Preparing For The Cleaning

You’ve decided you need a professional cleaning service, but you’re not sure where to start? We recommend exploring our packages and getting in touch if you need more information or a customized cleaning service. We can help you decide on the time and volume of your planned cleaning. We want to make sure you know what you’re getting by hiring our professional service, jobs, and price-wise. 

Once you decide on the cleaning package, you need to prepare your home for our services. 

Get Your Home Ready For Us

Our cleaning service packages are time-sensitive, allowing for better planning of our professionals’ schedules. However, to ensure the job is done properly and within the time planned, you need to make some basic preparations before our technician arrives. 

  • Secure Your Pets: Safety is our key priority, so if your pet is aggressive in any way, please have them secured or away while we clean will cause less stress for both them and our staff. 
    We are animals lovers ourselves but we do want to ensure that the cleaning process is smooth, efficient, and safe for the cleaning providers.
  • Wash and Put Away Your Dishes: This way, our cleaners can get straight to cleaning your kitchen instead of your dishes.
  • Remove Clutter: Though we do declutter, we cannot put your things back where they belong, so the best we can do is pile those up neatly in the room where we found them. However, making time to put away things yourself before we swoop in will save you some sorting out after we leave. This might ruin the impression of a cleaned home, and we would hate for you to have to do any additional work after us. It’s only fair to come back home to a clean, tidy, and clutter-free home. 
  • Clear the Bathroom Countertops: All the items you regularly use and keep on top of your vanity should be temporarily placed in a box or a bin to allow us to clean the countertops thoroughly.
  •  Clear Kitchen Surfaces: Clear kitchen countertops of dishes, utensils, and clutter. This allows the cleaner to clean surfaces thoroughly.
    Small appliances, such as microwaves & toasters, do not need to be removed.
  • Leave Linens on Your Beds: If you asked us to change your sheets, make sure the linens are placed on top of the beds. Otherwise, the technicians cannot do it. We respect your privacy and won’t go through your cabinets and closets. 
  • Clear Floors: Pick up toys, clothes, and other items from the floors to allow for efficient vacuuming or mopping. Clearing the floors also helps prevent tripping hazards.
  • Secure Valuables: Put away any valuable items, documents, or personal belongings that you prefer not to be handled or moved. This helps prevent accidental damage or misplacement.
  • Communicate Allergies or Sensitivities: If you or your family members have allergies or sensitivities to certain cleaning products, communicate this information to us upon booking the appointment or by contacting us before the cleaners arrive. The technicians bring their own set of supplies and may not have the cleaning supplies that is properly used for people with certain allergies & sensitivities.
    You may need to provide the cleaners your own cleaning solutions. Please address this information to us during the booking process and have your own cleaning solutions ready for the cleaners.


Remember that communication is key. Discussing your preferences and any specific instructions with the house cleaner beforehand can help ensure that the cleaning service aligns with your expectations.

At All Fresh Cleaning Service, we take every cleaning session seriously and want to make sure all of our clients are satisfied with their experience. We offer easy communication to make certain your home is properly cleaned and up to your customized cleaning standards.

You can contact us and inquire anything about our cleaning services. We are here for you, grand folks of Houston, TX 🙂

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